Friday, November 12, 2010

We have an announcement..............

We have been sort of sitting on a little seceret.  If you scroll down to the bottom of our blog, you might guess what it is.................................................................................................................................................................
We are expecting an new addition to the Larsen family in May of 2011.  We are more than excited, but a little nervous due to the complications we experienced with our Jackson.  I am currently about 12weeks and 5 days.  I am going in next week for a procedure to help keep the little one from trying to make an early debut.  We are still a little nervous, but wanted to share our good news with family and friends. Lots of love

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have to admit, I love this time of year.  Getting the kids ready for the start of a new school year is exciting for more reasons than one.
I have love love loved having the girls home this summer to help me with our little brother, but there is a feeling I cant quite describe of reclaiming my house of peace and quiet.  Does that make me a bad mom?  Perhaps, but I am doing the best I can. 

Our last day of summer, Labor Day, was spent doing a few different things.  Jeff and I  have fun ripping down wallpaper from our downstairs bathroom.  Just a little rant about wallpaper.  It is evil and who ever designed it,  manufactured it, and convinced millions of people that it was ever tres chic should be drawn and quartered.  No offense to anyone who is on team wallpaper.  Anyway, We are trying to fixup our little townhouse one room at a time and we began with the bathroom.  Ill post pictures when that is done.  P.S. I cannot figure out how to post pictures yet--need some tutoring
After that, we all went to our pool for one last hurrah.  The kids have had such a good time swimming this summer.  We also celebrated Cecilia's  Birthday as it is on the 8th and the girls would be at their mothers.  All in all we had a pretty good day. 

Hope every one had a good Labor Day and Yippee for school.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer of 2010

It has been awhile since my last posting. Summer has come and almost gone. We were able to visit the whole family at one time or another this summer. Here is a recap.

We first flew to Utah to visit my parents, brothers, and sisters (in-law). We had a blast. It was hectic and busy, but we had a good time. We first drove to Panguitch in Southern Utah and attended the Balloon Fest. We enjoyed seeing the balloons and listening to my brother's band play music. We then took the kids to lagoon---a must do when visiting Northern Utah. We also visited Park City and went to the Olympic Park and participated in the Alpine slide and the zip line ride down the mountain.. F.U.N. We visited with Jeff's Aunts and Uncles and had a suprise visit from his Parents! Our last day there, I was able to take the kids to Centerville's 4th of July Parade. It was a cute small town tradition. Homemade floats, clowns and fire engines/police cars.  I have to say, flying with an 11 month only was not the nightmare I have invisioned.......

Fast forward to August and let me tell you a diffrent story.  We flew to Arkansas to vistit Jeff's Parents and sisters (in-law) (HI SHANNON)  Jackson was THAT baby that everyone on the plane didnt want to sit next to.  I got very annoyed at the looks given by childless passengers!  Other than the flights, we had a great time.  We just got to visit with Jeff's family and swim in Grandma and Grandpa Larsens Pool.  All the kids got to play with their cousins to thier hearts content. We went with my Sister and her family to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock.  The kids enjoyed it. 

All in all we have had an enjoyable summer.  I will post pictures as soon as Our Dino computer will allow.
Thanks to all our family for letting us invade and spend our summer with you.
Loves and kisses

Saturday, May 1, 2010 this is my official debut into the blogging world. My first post was a warm-up. I'm hoping that this will be a good way for our family and friends to be able to get updates and pictures of our growing family. Just like everyone else, I never make the time to keep in touch with everyone like I should :) That being said, I don't even know if anyone will read this, but at least I'm making an effort, right?!

I can't believe that May is upon us. Our baby, Jackson, is going to turn 1 year old this month. I am still amazed that he is in our lives. He is growing so fast and changing so much -- at warp speed it seems. His latest "firsts" include waving bye-bye and winking (blinking both eyes at the same time.) He has been crawling for about a month. He is getting used to going to the sitter, Ms. Patty. I am not doing as well----experiencing mommy guilt. However, I have realized that after existing on 3-4 hours of sleep per day for almost a year, sleep is a very good thing. ( I work nights and was very reluctant to put Jackson in daycare) Little did I know I wasn't doing myself or Jackson any favors by trying to be super mom. (or my family for that matter) Sleep deprivation contributes to all things bad----including post pardum depression. I will save that topic for a latter date.

The girls are so ready for school to be over. Report cards just came out. Drum roll........Alex and Cecilia both made almost straight A's. We are soo proud of them. Alex is on the honor roll at Eagle Ridge Middle School. They are also excited about summer vacation. We are planning to visit Grandma and Grandpa Smith at the end of June. It will be our first plane ride with Jackson....should be interesting. They are then going to Florida with their Mom. Lucky!

Last but not least, we are trying to plan a trip to Arkansas in August to visit Grandma and Grandpa Larsen. Whew.

I will get some updated photos together to post next time. Our dinosaur computer takes forever to download.

Guess that is all for now! xoxoxox

Monday, April 26, 2010

This spring has been such a whirlwind of activity. Both Alex and Cecilia are playing softball with the county league. They both love it. Jeff is helping coach Alex's team and he is really loving it! Needless to say, we have softball related activities pretty much every day of the week and an all day marathon every Saturday. Me and Jackson have fun watching the girls play, but we are both ready for naps when the games are over.

I am still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing, so bear with me and we will try to update with more interesting stuff soon.