Well, it has been quite awhile since my last update. The baby count down is on. We are officially at 35 weeks 1 day as of today. I cant hardly believe it. I never thought we would even make it this far considering what happened last time with Jackson. For those of you who don't know, our son was born at 30 weeks after 10 weeks of strict bed rest. This time around has been wonderful in comparison. I have had very few complications and still feel really good. It is so funny, I am getting to experience things in this pregnancy that I didn't with the first. Feeling the baby move around at this stage is fun. I can actually distinguish body parts of the baby, which is weird. My belly has its own zip code! I never really showed much with Jackson, so this has been quite different. The not having to be on bed rest has been the best part. I am still working and even picking up extra shifts! I am so thankful for the blessings and prayers that were said on our behalf in getting us here. My next Dr. appointment is on Monday (4/25) and I will be getting the cerclage stitches removed. (sorry, TMI) I am a little nervous because that means the boy could make a debut at any time. It is strange at this point I feel sad at the thought of not being pregnant anymore. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I will have two wild boys to keep up with instead of just one!
On the work front, in January I was able to change my schedule to working 2 days per weeks instead of 5! This has been such a blessing. I work two 12 hr shifts on Sat/Sun and get full time benefits. It has been so wonderful to be able to be a stay at home Mom during the week--even if I have to work the weekends. I am so grateful to be able to spend time with Jackson before his new brother makes his arrival. It has been so fun. My husband has been so supportive to be Mr. Mom on the weekends and not complain!
The rest of the clan is doing well. Jackson is such a character and he keeps us laughing. He will be turning 2 on May 23rd. I cant believe it! That is incidentally the due date of baby brother. Jack has finally started going to nursery at Church. Jeff still has to go in with him and sneak out, but we will take progress any way we can get it. Alex and Cecilia are both doing well in school. They are both playing softball again this Spring. Jeff is coaching Cecilia's team this year, which has been a treat for him. It keeps everybody busy, but I am glad he is able to do this. Otherwise, it is the same old thing around here. Just on baby alert trying to get the house in order for our new arrival. We are still trying to come up with his name :(
Any suggestions?
Congratulations on making it so far. I loved being pregnant. I thought it was much easier than being a mom (does that make me a bad mom?) Can't wait to hear the news when you have him. I hope everything goes well...and I hope he is a really good sleeper (thats my wish for all pregnant women now that I have one that thinks its more fun to play then to sleep or nap)